Charity Farrell stars as Sarah White, a troubled young woman teetering on the verge of insanity, left to survive on her own after her entire family and nearly all of the world's population are killed in a devastating apocalyptic event more than six years prior. Farrell has co-starred in the award-winning shorts Sunday Spin and For Today, but marks her feature debut with Forever's End.

Lili Reinhart is best known for her roles on NBC's Law & Order: SVU the 2013 CBS Films' feature The Kings of Summer and the FOX TV series Surviving Jack. Reinhart stars in Forever's End as Lily White, Sarah's sister, and tormentor, a continuing reminder that the past is far from over. Lili can also been seen in the indie features Lilith, Not Waving But Drowning, and the upcoming Amazon original series Cocked.
Warren Bryson plays Ryan, a mysterious man who appears on Sarah's doorstep after years of isolation, claiming the world is anything but what it seems. Alongside commercial and print work, Bryson's film credits include indies Down for the Dollar, Finale and Haven Hill.